Enhanced performance as a result of relief from posture-related problems, improved mechanical efficiency, improved coordination, greater flexibility/range of motion, and improved body awareness.
Benefits of Rolfing
Increased physiological efficiency due to improved breathing, circulation, digestion, elimination, and sleep patterns.
Improved alignment and appearance through prevention of pain and stiffness associated with aging, stooping and compression associated with aging and skin, muscles and organs sagging from poor posture.
Improved psychological function by feeling better, learning about and becoming more aware of you body and emotional history and what causes it stress. These numerous benefits can have a major impact on health and athletic performance.
Alleviate Mis-alignment injuries: Running injuries, whether they are a lower back, knee or foot problem, are primarily due to being out of alignment. When tires on a car begin to wear on the outsides, it usually means the car needs to be realigned. While you might get new tires – or new shoes if you have a running injury – the tires and shoes are not the real problems. To prevent future tire problems, fix the car’s alignment. In the same way, your body needs to be realigned if you want to prevent injuries.
Rolfing® can promote healing in the following conditions: Restriction of motion, asthma, bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, coccyx injury, fibromyalgia, frozen shoulder, golf elbow, headaches, hip replacement, infertility, knee replacement, kyphosis of the spine, lordosis of the spine, migraines, neck pain, osteoarthritis, plantar fascitis, post surgery recovery, post delivery recovery, rotator cuff rehabilitation, reflux, sciatica, shin splints, sports injury, scoliosis, stress management, tendonitis, tennis elbow, thoracic outlet syndrome, TMJ, and whiplash injury.
People who suffer tension or injury-related aches and pains.