
Rolfing – a unique experience

July 2007

My wife Rachel and I have just completed a 10-session course. Each session of one and a half hours duration with Andri Hanekom, a fully trained and certified Rolfing Practitioner.

Each of us has a story to tell but the upshot of the course is clearly a vast physiological and emotional improvement in our health states. Both of us have experienced a range of physiotherapy / massage sessions which whilst temporarily bringing relief at times mostly met with the return of the condition. Rolfing realigns the connective tissue in the body, namely by expert manipulation of tendon paths and ligament paths which can be resituated in such a manner that the scientific/anatomical efficiency of the body improves. Posture, breath control and smooth systematic walking are component parts of Andri’s technique.

Alongside the physical aspect lies the mental attunement to awareness of one’s own body. Clearly we both feel much more aware of our bodily functions, and as a result an inner calmness ensues. The technique applied has much in common with Knya Yoga, a programme of meditation, exercises to stretch muscles, and especially all the sections of the spine.

Rachel has benefited from several aspects, posture and walking help with the stabilising of joints, her neck in particular and on abdominal regions. Andri has a real flair and reassuring bedside manner, each stage of the various procedures is carefully explained and he doesn’t proceed until the beneficiary understands and is comfortable with what’s happening.

My own physique and physical capacity has been improved especially when it comes to garden work. We both supplement the program with a weekend fast, each and every weekend which has helped me lose weight and address hypertension. Prior to taking on this programme we had both hoped that it would prove more helpful than conventional massage – this certainly is the case -. Rachel needed specific help in certain areas, I sought an improvement in gait, flexibility in my hip and neck areas, which it certainly did.

Before you start a Rolfing course make sure of what you hope to improve. It’s our belief, backed up by a positive mental attitude, which makes the course really worthwhile. It’s up to us, once the course is complete to manage our own lifestyles and health along sensible, careful dietary supervision, an exercise programme we can maintain, with the result that sleep improves, muscle, nerve and tendon behave in harmony provided the correct posture and approach to work is maintained. We commend Rolfing , it’s an exploration of oneself. It’s amazing how Andri can change poise and balance in limbs and efficiency in breathing.

Charlie and Rachel Jackson
Oasis Environmental Centre
Post Office Box 49
South Africa

Charlie and Rachel Jackson
Oasis Environmental Centre

After 10 sessions of Rolfing treatment I am absolutely amazed how my body responded. Where I was feeling heavy I feel lightness. Where I was stiff I feel mobile. My spine feels more fluid and I feel aligned. Even my breathing has improved, using the diaphragm in a natural manner which is conducive to being more relaxed on the one hand and more energetic on the other.

I am sorry I didn’t find a Rolfing practitioner like Andri earlier in my life!

Bridget Darley
Yoga teacher, George

Weg met die Ou en in met die Nuwe
Hoeveel ‘n mens se liggaam en siel kan verduur verstom my. Ek is 37 jaar en bly in George area. Vir 36 jaar het ek ‘n swak selfbeeld en postuur geworstel. In 2006 het ek soveel teë’ebspoed ondervind dat my siel en liggaam my nie meer kon verdra nie. Ek het sin in my eie lewe verloor. Ek was verplig om ‘n dokter te sien. Dokter Jon Morley het na my postuur gekyk en my verwys na Andri Hanekom (Gesertifiseerde Rolfer en Rolf Beweging Praktiseerder). Met ‘n wik en weeg oor kostes het ek besef dat ek na myself moet kyk. Wat wil ek in die lewe he vir myself het ek vir myself afgevrae.

Ons spandeer so baie aan motordienste, ‘n mens vergeet dat ons liggaam nes soos ‘n motomasjien werk. As ‘n mens nie die masjien diens en onderhou nie dan gaan dit agteruit en val later uitmekaar. My lewe was in so ‘n gemors dat ek op daardie stadium enige iets sou doen om net my ou self terug te kry. Ek het al vergeet hoe om te lag en die lewe te geniet asgevolg van my voorkoms het ek teruggeskram vir mense. Ek het nie net een oggend op gestaan met skete en kwale nie. Nee, vir 36 jaar het ek nagelaat om na myself te kyk. Genoeg is genoeg. Desember 2006 is ek Botswana toe. Wou my kop skoon maak. Ek wou ‘n nuwe lewe begin. Weg met die ou Martie Martel Gat en in met ‘n nuwe ek.

Met my eerste behandeling in Jauarie 2007 het ek begin met asemhalings oefeninge. “Wat ‘n mors van geld?” het ek gedink. Tot my verrassing het my longkapasiteit so verbeter dat swem nou ‘n plesier is. En asof ek die suurstof kan proe as ek asemhaal. As kantoor druk vir my te veel word maak ek die deur toe, haal vir vyf tot tien minute diep en ontspanne asem. Ek is dan so ontspanne as ek klaar is.

In die daarop volgende sessies het ek ook baie geleer oor my liggaam en myself. Ek het rustiger en meer gemotiveerd begin voel. Ek is trots op my self. Ek het vir die eerste keer ’n stap geneem om na my eie liggaam, siel en vlees te kyk. My postuur het so verbeter dat ek nie kan ophou kyk na myself nie. My hele persoonlikheid en houding het so begin blom soos ‘n plant wat nuwe water kry. Ek is meer doelgerig, praat makliker en duideliker. My uitstraling na ander is meer positief. Selfs my voete maak beter kontak met die grond sodat my tone elke tekstuur voel waarop ek loop. Die lekkerste is dat ek met gemak my hemp op die strand kan uit trek. Dit laat my uitbundig lag soos ‘n kind. My plakkies kan ek uitskop sonder om skaam te wees soos in die verlede dat ek dit skeef aftrap na binne.
Alhoewel ek nog elke dag werk maak aan my postuur en selfbeeld is dit lekker om te weet dat ek by Andri uitgekom het.
Danke vir die nuwe en ou laggende ek.

Willie van George

With each session, I can feel my body realign itself. I am more aware of areas of my body. I feel my mind becoming calmer and my energy increasing. I feel more wholey integrated and balanced. I can recommend this technique to everyone!

Dr Jon Morley

I am 62 years old, was looking at double hip replacement, and had a stiff shoulder from playing golf. After session 4 with Andri I am walking with ease and my shoulder is flexible again.

Donald Wilkin